In the Tahoe area? Get a B12 shot at our wellness clinic in Truckee!

Wellness Resources


Product Dispensery 

Our online dispensary is a safe and convenient way for our patients to purchase physician quality supplements. Ordering is simple, and the products will be shipped directly to your home or work within a few days with a flat shipping cost.

You have no obligation to purchase through our virtual dispensary, however we offer it as a convenient way to purchase your recommended supplements with confidence.

Can’t find what you’re looking for? You can always order directly from our office by calling 530-536-5066 or emailing


Recommended Products:


Bio Mat


Love the effects of being on Dr. Riley’s table? Part of your healing treatment can be attributed to the Bio-Mat. The Bio-Mat combines infrared heat, negative ions and the conductive properties of amethyst to promote both relaxation and healing. The BioMat is FDA approved as a Class II medical device for pain and stress management!

Invest in a filter and drink local tap! 70% of our body is water and 75% of Americans are chronically dehydrated. Proper hydration is imperative to optimal health. As with foods, we want to make sure our water quality is optimal. At a minimum, I recommend filtering out chlorine. Chlorine is effective at killing bugs in the water, however we want to filter it out before drinking it so its not killing the good bacteria in our gut. Other concerns with water are heavy metals such as lead and arsenic, pesticides and nitrites. I recommend you starting by identifying your water concerns by checking out EWG’s “National Tapwater Database Assessment” and enter your zip code to determine personal concerns. Once you have your list of concerns, contact our office for guidance on what type of filter to choose. When you're ready to purchase your filter, email

Helpful Handouts:


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Protein Shake

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Nasal Lavage

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Epsom Salt

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Contrast Hydrotherapy

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Castor Oil

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Wet Sock

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Helpful Links:

  • Environmental Working Group
    Environmental Working Group is a wealth of information, from a database rating toxicity of over 65,000 products (“Skin Deep”) to information on your local water quality.
  • Agency for Toxic Substances & Disease Registry
    Type in your zip code and get information on local environmental issues.
  • Seeds of Deception
    Information on GMO foods.
  • Ear Thing- Grounding Products
  • NAET- Allergy Elimination Techniques
  • The Barral Institute
    More information on Visceral Manipulation techniques.
  • Upledger Institute More information on Cranial Sacral Therapy, and many other bodywork techniques.
  • CNDA California Naturopathic Doctors Association
  • American Association of Naturopathic Physicians
  • American Academy of Environmental Medicine
  • Physicians for Social Responsibility

Gluten Free Resources:

  • Celiac DIsease Foundation
  • Gluten Free Girl
  • Amazon They have a gluten-free section to their site, order many foods online and in bulk.

Helpful Apps:

  • Dirty Produce: 
  • Dirty Dozen & Clean Dozen for produce.
  • Shop No GMO